Achieve confidence & excellence
in Maths!
Model for Success
Uses world renowned Singapore Maths methods
Future Ready
Animation activates important 21st century skills like Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication & Collaboration.
Fun & Exciting
Digitally animated lessons to Boost concept understanding & application
Close to 100 lesson videos per grade
Online quizzes and downloadable worksheets to reinforce knowledge
Developed by professionally trained & experienced teachers and tutors
Global Coverage
4 programmes aligned to various Maths curriculums

What is S.M.I.L.E?
Our Maths Programme Video
Learning English is Easy!
Master the basics of English effortlessly

Model for Success
Aligned to CEFR language learning frameworks
Future Ready
Animation activates important 21st century skills like Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication & Collaboration
Fun & Exciting
Digitally animated lessons to Boost language understanding & application
Online quizzes and downloadable worksheets to reinforce knowledge
Developed by professionally trained & experienced teachers and tutors
Our English Programme Videos
Subscribe to our English programme now!
Power of Animation
Animation activates the natural critical thinking and creativity skills in children.
They find it more fun to learn through animation and their concentration skills become more focused.
Complex subjects are easily explained and understood using animation.
Animation helps children develop communications, comprehension and collaboration skills.

What are Parents & Educators Saying about our Programmes