Adding Fun to the FUNdamentals
of Learning Math!

SMILE International is designed with a purposeful flow, sequence and structure of learning, to build strong foundations and proficiency. Aligned to the Common Core Maths curriculum.

6 levels of learning programmes, catered to your child’s learning needs. Check out the full topics covered in each level below.

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Grade 1

Start here for a strong base – kick start your child’s knowledge base, with innovative Singapore Math models. Learn to add and subtract using techniques like Making Tens and using Number Bonds, and more. Learn through stories on the order of numbers and their place values. Learn concepts of time, money and length through simple yet effective animation. Identify basic 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes.

Whole Numbers
Place Values, Counting in Groups of Ten, Number Patterns, Addition, Subtraction, Grouping, Ordinal numbers, Comparison “More, Less, Fewer”.

Learning Measurement with Objects.

Counting in Cents up to $1 and Dollars up to $100.

2-D and 3-D basic shapes.

Telling time to the Hour and Half Hour.

Reading data from Picture Graphs.

Grade 2

Build on the foundations of Grade One through more stories and journeys with our animated friends. Learn about Numbers and their operations especially multiplication and division. Get an early introduction to the idea of fractions. Learn how to tell the time.


Whole Numbers
Place values, Compare and Order in Number Patterns, Odd and Even Numbers, Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division (four operations), Multiplication/Division by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.

Be introduced to the idea of Fractions.

Measure in Centimetres and Metres, Inches and Feet.

Introducing and measuring in Kilograms and Grams.

Learn and practise Conversion of Dollars and Cents as well as US denominations.

Tell time to 5 Minutes, in a.m. and p.m., calculate Duration in Hours and Half Hour.

Learn and measure in Millimetres and Litres and US units for liquid volume.

Read data from Picture Graphs with Scales.

Grade 3

Strengthen your child’s foundation on Whole Numbers with the proper ways to multiply and divide large numbers. Learn about Fractions and their relations to numbers, adding and subtracting simple fractions with step-by-step visual examples. Through visual examples of different units of measurement, dive deeper into concepts of Time, Mass and Volume. Your child will develop a deeper appreciation of their applications in different situations around us.


Whole Numbers
More revision on Compare and Order, Thousands Place Value, Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division (four operations), Division with Remainder, Multiplication Tables (6, 7, 8 & 9), Multiplying 3-digit with 1-digit.

Learn about Area of Rectangle, Square, Triangle.

A Study on Unit Fractions, Addition/Subtraction of Like Fractions. Learn and practise on Equivalent Fractions, express in Simplest Form, Compare and Order fractions, Addition/Subtraction of Related Fractions.

Measure in Inches (in.), Feet (ft), Centimetres (cm), Metres (m) and Kilometres (km), Conversion between Units.

Learn Parallel and Perpendicular lines.

Practise conversion between Grams and Kilograms, as well as US units for mass.

Addition/Subtraction in Decimal Notation.

Learn about Perimeter of Rectangles and Squares.

Tell time with “Past” and “To”, conversion of Hours to Minutes and vice-versa, calculating Start Time, End Time and Duration.

Convert between Millimetres and Litres, as well as US units for volume.

Read data from Bar Graphs.

Grade 4

Welcome to word problems! Your child sees how to identify word problems and navigate tricky problem sums. We will share useful heuristics problem-solving concepts like Working Backwards, Constant Difference and more. Strengthen foundation through practices and examples on Fractions, as well as breeze through concepts on Area, Angles, Decimals, Statistics and Time.


Whole Numbers
Compare and Order up to 100,000, an introduction to various concepts for Problem Solving and identifying Solutioning Concepts (Constant Difference, Constant Total, Constant Part, Working Backwards, Guess & Check, Total Changed, Excess-Shortage, Excess-Excess, Shortage-Shortage), Number Patterns, Factors (Common Factors, Simplifying Factors), Multiples (Common Multiples, Lowest Common Denominator), Rounding Off.

Learn about the different types of angles. Measuring, drawing a given size, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, learn about Turns involving Cardinal Points.

How to convert between SI and US system of measurement.

How to convert between SI and US system of measurement.

Given the area, find the dimensions of a rectangle or a square. Find the area of composite figures.

Liquid Volume
How to convert between SI and US system of measurement.

Read in Digital and Analogue, 24-hour Format, learn concepts on and practise word sums on Duration, Start and Finish Times.

Identify and determine Lines.

Identify and convert Mixed and Improper Fractions, Additions/Subtractions with Remainders, Addition/Subtraction with Different Denominators, finding Remainder of a Whole.

Conversion of Fractions into Decimals, Rounding Off, more practice on Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division (four operations).

Solving word problems involving money.

Grade 5

Build on knowledge learnt in Grade 4 and pick up new techniques on tables, model diagrams and more, to solve real life word problems. See and extend application into areas of Rate, Ratios and Percentage. Plenty of practice opportunities to break down problems into simpler components in Fractions. With this base knowledge gained, your child can level up to Grade Six confidently.


Whole Numbers
Practise questions on various concepts of solving word problems from Grade 4, solve word problems given two given relationships.

Pick up problem-solving concepts on Making Equal, Order and Comparison, Making Same for Numerators and Denominators, Subtraction with Remainder, Branch Drawing.

Read rates from Charts, work on problem sums involving Volume, Rate Inverse, Direct Proportion.

Practice using Direct Proportion, leverage on problem-solving concepts learnt previously to solve word problems between two ratios e.g., Constant Parts, Constant Total, Constant Difference, Total Changed.

Learn Discount, Cost Price, Selling Price, Principal Amount and Interest.

Learn about the Cartesian coordinate plane.

Solving word problems involving average.

Grade 6

Through the wonderful world of animation, we break down the daunting topic of Algebra into simple ideas. Shown through simple and clear illustrations, complex concepts or workings on forming and expressing algebraic terms will no longer be stumbling blocks to your child’s learning path. Using powerful visual cues and examples, he will breeze through seemingly confusing topics like Speed and Ratio in no time.


Whole Numbers
Problem-solving using concepts like Constant Difference, Simultaneous Concept and Excess-shortage and more.

Practise word problems involving Fractions.

Learn Algebraic Expressions with concepts on Simplifying, Forming, Manipulation and Substituting Values, plus revision practices on solving word problems.

Area / Volume
Find Lengths, Heights and Base Areas of a Cuboid, practise word sums with given volumes and base areas conditions.

Study relationships between Speed and Time, Speed and Distance, Distance between 2 Points, practise understanding with problems on Time Taken, Overtaking, Difference between Average Speeds with the Distance-Speed-Time triangle, revision on word problems involving increasing and decreasing distance between 2 objects.

Practise word problems on Combined Rates and Inverse Rates.

Strengthen concept foundations through problem sums using concepts like Constant Part, Constant Total, Constant Difference, Everything Changes and more.

Practise problem solving on Percentage Increase, Decrease, Percentage Profit/Loss.

Read data from Tables, Line Graphs.

Learn about Inequalities.

Solving word problems involving money.

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Power-packed programmes



Model for Success

Uses world renowned Singapore Maths methods


Future Ready

Animation activates important 21st century skills like Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication & Collaboration.


Fun & Exciting

Digitally animated lessons to Boost concept understanding & application



Close to 100 lesson videos per grade



Online quizzes and downloadable worksheets to reinforce knowledge



Developed by professionally trained & experienced teachers and tutors


Global Coverage

4 programmes aligned to various Maths curriculums

Use SMILE more effectively


Watch the Lesson Videos in sequence. View Lesson Videos multiple times for better understanding.


Our Lesson Videos provide Concept Learning, Revision and Practice. Try out worksheets to test what you’ve learned


Test knowledge by attempting the quizzes. Each quiz can be done multiple times for better practice.


Follow the WATCH LEARN TEST process for subsequent topics and lessons to continuously strengthen Maths foundation

Guide to Parents

Learning Process
Your child should select a topic for learning and watch the videos in the prescribed sequence. Do attempt the worksheets and quizzes with each topical series to test their understanding and application of the concepts learned.

Pace of Learning
Encourage your child to watch, learn and practice at least one to two concepts of a topic each week. They can adjust according to their pace of learning.

Ensure Understanding
If your child is unclear of certain concepts at any stage, it’s okay not to proceed with subsequent videos. They can re-visit earlier videos until they fully understand the concepts.

Support Their Learning
Let’s support and participate in your child’s learning process. Interact through the various animation themes. Create fun examples or stories to solidify their learning and have fun together.

Maximise Performance
Maximise the performance tracking resources to facilitate your child’s progress. When you can track what they’ve watched and learned, and know their proficiency through worksheet and quiz results, you can gently direct their learning.

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