Добавление удовольствия к основам
изучения математики!
SMILE Singapore разработан с целенаправленным потоком, последовательностью и структурой обучения, чтобы построить прочные основы и мастерство. Приведено в соответствие с учебным планом МО Сингапура по математике.
8 уровней учебных программ, удовлетворяющих потребности вашего ребенка в обучении. Ознакомьтесь с полными темами, рассмотренными на каждом уровне ниже.
Видео о нашей математической программе
Энергонасыщенные программы
Модель успеха
Будущее готово
Весело и увлекательно
Глобальный охват
Доступный учебный план
Place Values, Counting in Groups of Ten, Number Patterns, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Grouping, Ordinal numbers, Comparison “More, Less, Fewer”.
Counting in Cents up to $1 and Dollars up to $100.
2-D Shapes
Reading data from Picture Graphs
Telling time to the Hour and Half Hour
Learning measurement with objects
Класс 2
Постройте на фундаменте Первого класса больше историй и путешествий с нашими анимированными друзьями. Узнайте о числах и их операциях, особенно умножении и делении. Получите раннее введение в идею дробей. Научитесь определять время.
Whole Numbers
Place values, Compare and Order in Number Patterns, Odd and Even Numbers, Addition / Subtraction / Multiplication / Division (four operations), Multiplication/Division by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.
Be introduced to the idea of Fractions, learn what is a Unit Fraction, Addition / Subtraction of Like Fractions.
Measure in Centimetres and Metres.
Introducing and measuring in Kilograms and Grams.
Money – Learn and practise Conversion of Dollars and Cents.
Identify Semi-circle, Quarter Circle, Cubes, Cuboids, Cones, Cylinders, Spheres.
Read data from Picture Graphs with Scales.
Tell time to 5 Minutes, in a.m. and p.m., calculate duration in Hours and Half-hour.
Learn and measure in Litres and Millilitres for liquid volume.
Класс 3
Укрепите фундамент вашего ребенка на целых числах с правильными способами умножения и деления больших чисел. Узнайте о дробях и их отношениях к числам, сложении и вычитании простых дробей с пошаговыми наглядными примерами. С помощью наглядных примеров различных единиц измерения, погрузитесь глубже в понятия времени, массы и объема. Ваш ребенок будет развивать более глубокое понимание их применения в различных ситуациях вокруг нас.
Whole Numbers
Place values, Compare and Order in Number Patterns, Odd and Even Numbers, Addition / Subtraction / Multiplication / Division (four operations), Multiplication / Division by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.
Identify different Types of Angles: Acute, Obtuse and Right.
Learn about Area of Rectangle, Square, Triangle.
Learn and practise on Equivalent Fractions, express in Simplest Form, Compare and Order fractions, Addition / Subtraction of Related Fractions.
Centimetres (cm), Metres (m) and Kilometres (km), Conversion between units.
Learn Parallel and Perpendicular lines.
Practise conversion between Grams and Kilograms for mass.
Addition / Subtraction in decimal notation.
Learn about Perimeter of Rectangles and Squares.
Read data from Bar Graphs.
Tell time with “Past” and “To”, conversion of Hours to Minutes and vice-versa, calculating Start Time, End Time and Duration.
Convert between Millilitres and Litres for volume.
Класс 4
Whole Numbers
Compare and Order up to 100,000, an introduction to various concepts for Problem Solving and identifying Solutioning Concepts (Constant Difference, Constant Total, Constant Part, Working Backwards, Guess & Check, Total Changed, Excess-Shortage, Excess-Excess, Shortage-Shortage), Number Patterns, Factors (Common Factors, Simplifying Factors), Multiples (Common Multiples, Lowest Common Denominator), Rounding Off.
Solving word problems involving money.
Learn about the different types of angles. Measuring, drawing a given size, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, learn about Turns involving Cardinal Points.
Find Dimensions of Rectangles and Squares, solve word problems on Area and Perimeter with Squares, Rectangles, Triangles and Composite Figures.
Conversion of Fractions into Decimals, Rounding Off, more practice on Addition / Subtraction / Multiplication / Division (four operations).
Identify and convert Mixed and Improper Fractions, Additions / Subtractions with Remainders, Addition / Subtraction with different Denominators, finding Remainder of a Whole.
Identify and determine Lines.
Read in Digital and Analogue, 24-hour Format, learn concepts on and practise word sums on Duration, Start and Finish Times.
Класс 5
Whole Numbers
Practise questions on various concepts of solving word problems from Grade 4, solve word problems given two given relationships.
Read rates from Charts, work on problem sums involving Volume, Rate Inverse, Direct Proportion.
Ratio between quantities expressing ratio in simplest form, leverage on problem-solving concepts learnt previously to solve word problems between two ratios e.g., Constant Parts, Constant Total, Constant Difference, Total Changed.
Learn Discount, Cost Price, Selling Price, Principal Amount and Interest.
Pick up problem-solving concepts on Making Equal, Order and Comparison, Making Same for Numerators and Denominators, Subtraction with Remainder, Branch Drawing.
Solving word problems involving average.
Area and properties of a triangle, different types of triangles. Area of rectangles and squares. Special quadrilaterals (parallelograms and rhombuses). Properties of parallelogram and rhombuses.
Relationship between cubic centimetres and millilitres.
Conversion of units when multiplying or dividing with 10, 100 or 1000.
Класс 6
Learn Algebraic Expressions with concepts on Simplifying, Forming, Manipulation and Substituting Values, plus revision practices on solving word problems.
Area / Volume
Find Lengths, Heights and Base Areas of a Cuboid, practise word sums with given volumes and base areas conditions.
Find Area, Circumference of a Circle, with revision on word problems.
Practise word problems involving fractions.
Practise problem solving on Percentage Increase, Decrease, Percentage Profit/Loss.
Study relationships between Speed and Time, Speed and Distance, Distance between 2 Points, practise understanding with problems on Time Taken, Overtaking, Difference between Average Speeds with the Distance-Speed-Time triangle, revision on word problems involving increasing and decreasing distance between 2 objects.
Practise word problems on Combined Rates and Inverse Rates.
Strengthen concept foundations through problem sums using concepts like Constant Part, Constant Total, Constant Difference, Everything Changes and more.
Whole Numbers
Problem-solving using concepts like Constant Difference, Simultaneous Concept and Excess-shortage and more.
Solving problems on pie charts.
Solving word problems involving money.
Net of geometric shapes. Finding unknown angles in composite geometric figures.
Класс 7
Algebra is one of the most commonly used tools and a very useful concept. Students can progress into more complex engineering by starting with a sold understanding of algebra right here!
With so many shapes around us, Geometry gives us the ability to comprehend the measurements and relationships of lines, angles, surfaces and solids found in the everyday world.
Statistics & Numbers
Statistics is crucial in making decisions based on data as well as predictions. It plays an important role in scientific discoveries too.
Introduction & Word Problems
Introducing algebra to solve a problem. Operations with algebraic terms. Simplifying algebraic terms
Learn the different types of triangles. Learn about the exterior angles of regular polygon (triangle).
Prime Factorisation and Factors
Finding squares and square roots by prime factorisation. Finding highest common factors (HCF) and Lowest common multiple (LCM).
Functions & Graphs
Learn about the Cartesian coordinate plane. Roots of an equation. Learn about straight line graphs.
Learn what is a parallelogram and its properties. Learn what is an isosceles trapezium and its properties.
Types of diagrams; tables, bar graphs, pictograms, line graphs and pie charts.
Equations & Inequalities
Changing the subject of an equation. Solving an equation with one unknown. Algebraic factorisation. Solving inequalities.
Construction & Symmetry
Learn what is a point, line, ray and plane. Constructing angle bisectors and other basic angles. Learn what are lines of symmetry.
Data Representation
Purposes and uses, advantages and disadvantages of the different forms of statistical representations. Explaining why a given statistical diagram leads to misinterpretation of data.
Класс 8
Algebra is one of the most commonly used tools and a very useful concept. Students can progress into more complex engineering by starting with a sold understanding of algebra right here!
With so many shapes around us, Geometry gives us the ability to comprehend the measurements and relationships of lines, angles, surfaces and solids found in the everyday world.
Statistics & Numbers
Statistics is crucial in making decisions based on data as well as predictions. It plays an important role in scientific discoveries too.
Common algebraic expressions
Different algebraic identities: square of sums, square of differences, difference of squares.
Similar triangles VS congruent triangles. Proof for similarity and congruency. Volume and surface area of pyramids.
Maps & Scales
Standard form. Learn about maps and directions. Practice scale drawings.
Simultaneous Equations
What are functions. Solving simultaneous equations using Substitution/Elimination/Graphical method.
Pythagoras theorem. Learn sine, cosine and tangent. Use of trigonometric ratios. Heron’s formula.
What is probability and practice questions. Probability of single events.
Quadratic Equations
Roots of a quadratic function. Solving for the roots. Completing the square.
What is a Radian. Properties of a circle. Surface area and volume of a sphere and cones.
Data Interpretation
Types of diagrams; histograms, stem and leaf diagrams. Uses of the Mean median and mode and how to calculate them.
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Наши видео уроки обеспечивают концепцию обучения, пересмотра и практики. Попробуйте рабочие листы, чтобы проверить, что вы узнали.
Проверьте свои знания, решая викторины. Каждый тест может быть сделан несколько раз для лучшей практики.
Следуйте за процессом тестирования СМОТРИ и УЧИСЬдля последующих тем и уроков, чтобы постоянно укреплять свой математический фундамент.
Руководство для родителей
Процесс обучения
Ваш ребенок должен выбрать тему для изучения и смотреть видео в заданной последовательности. Попробуйте рабочие листы и викторины с каждой тематической серией, чтобы проверить их понимание и применение изученных концепций.
Темп обучения
Поощряйте своего ребенка смотреть, изучать и практиковать по крайней мере одну-две концепции темы каждую неделю. Они могут приспосабливаться в соответствии с их темпом обучения.
Обеспечить понимание
Если ваш ребенок не понимает некоторых понятий на любом этапе, это нормально, чтобы не переходить к последующим видео. Они могут повторно посещать более ранние видео, пока они полностью не поймут концепции.
Поддержите их обучение
Давайте поддерживать и участвовать в процессе обучения вашего ребенка. Взаимодействие через различные темы анимации. Создавайте забавные примеры или истории, чтобы укрепить свое обучение и весело провести время вместе.
Максимальную производительность
Максимизируйте ресурсы отслеживания производительности, чтобы облегчить прогресс вашего ребенка. Когда вы можете отслеживать, что они смотрели и узнали, и знать их мастерство через лист и результаты викторины, вы можете мягко направлять их обучение.